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Thomas Mayer in video: How the airmatic revolution works

The airmatic revolution is a device from ensutec that significantly optimizes the painting process – through additional humidification of the atomizer air. Schaden.News editor René Förster with Thomas Mayer, the managing partner of ensutec Products GmbH.

The technology developed by Mayer ensures that clear coat can be dried faster and more effectively – while consuming less energy and moisture and maintaining the same process conditions all year round.

The atomizing air is fed into the reactor via a so-called reactor unit. airmatic revolution humidified, explains Mayer in the video interview. "Here we can control the necessary amount of moisture via pressure, temperature and air volume." A specially developed painting hose with integrated hose heating leads the humidified air to the object: "The constant heating of the atomizer air prevents the moisture-enriched compressed air from condensing."

In the interview, Mayer mentions the advantages of the airmatic revolution: higher surface quality with fewer grease edges and dust inclusions, reduced finishing effort, energy savings through faster drying processes.