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Interesting website informs the painting industry


A new website has appeared on the Internet – under this domain, highly exciting reports from and about the painting industry are published. The journalist and blogger Thomas Ruhmöller reports on an incident that also affected the company ensutec Products GmbH regards:

In 2018, the Stuttgart-based global corporation Akzo Nobel wanted to exclusively market ensutec's airmatic systems. Negotiations with managing director Benjamin Burkard and technical manager Armin Dürr were close to being concluded when the Gechingen-based company Sehon intervened and demanded very high commission payments from ensutec - otherwise, company boss Tiemo Sehon threatened, the planned deal with Akzo Nobel would fall through. In fact, those responsible at Akzo Nobel agreed to this: when ensutec refused to pay commission payments without reason, Dürr stopped the negotiations.

Half a year later, Dürr presented an alleged innovation from his company. However, the device, which was supposed to provide similar performance to the airmatic systems, quickly proved to be an inferior copy. On the website The painting industry finds out for the first time who worked on the device: The trail leads back to Tiemo Sehon…