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Dreiland GmbH: 20 to 30 percent paint savings thanks to airmatic

What experiences have they had with airmatic technology? What are the benefits of using the devices in everyday life? We asked this question to companies and businesses that work with airmatic atomization optimization. We will publish the answers in no particular order.

Today: Karosserie Lack Dreiland GmbH in Weil am Rhein.

Painter Eugen Andriewskij from Dreiland GmbH next to the airmatic atomization optimization.

This is again news that we at ensutec Products GmbH are really pleased with: Karosserie Lack Dreiland GmbH in Weil am Rhein has airmatic atomization optimization in use, and Managing Director Martin Schmidle now listed all the advantages that were registered when using the device:

👍 10 percent less rework

👍 10 percent less overspray

👍 10 to 15 percent faster drying times

👍 and the best part: 20 to 30 percent paint savings.

The bottom line is that this means measurable cost savings! There is also another effect that often goes unmentioned but is more important than ever today: thanks to the savings in paint, the burden on the environment is significantly reduced.

That's fun, isn't it?!