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airmatic and aerospace

Nowadays, we can travel around the globe with almost no problems. Airplanes in particular transport millions of people and goods through the airspace every year. In addition to safety, comfort and an attractive appearance are also important.

When it comes to painting, the aerospace industry demands the highest standards and quality. ensutec's airmatic technology delivers exactly that - and with the highest efficiency in terms of paint consumption, drying times, minimum humidity requirements, etc. 

This applies to both the exterior components and the interior area or even special applications. The interaction of the various improvements achievable with airmatic gives you a clear competitive advantage in coating.

Application method

  • Conventional
  • Airmix
  • electrostatics

System technology

  • Manual painting
  • Robots


  • Paint savings of up to 20 %
  • less overspray
  • Compressed air savings of up to 30 %
  • Better penetration into corners, edges and recesses
  • increase in painting capacity
  • less rework
  • fewer dust inclusions

Our references

Here you can see a company that relies on our proven airmatic technology in the aerospace sector. If you have any questions about the individual references, please feel free to contact us!