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Unusual report with a consistently positive tone: The specialist magazine "Schaden.News" reports on the airmatic atomization optimizationby asking companies about their experiences with the device. In view of the growing challenges facing repair shops, K&L companies are trying to optimize their processes so that they can reduce expensive additional work or unnecessary finishing effort. One approach could be the airmatic technology from the Swabian workshop equipment supplier ensutec, writes Schaden.News editor René Förster. "To find out what the installation of a corresponding system can actually bring companies, asked three companies that have been using the atomization technology for some time."

Three companies answered questions: Heidenwag GmbH in Winnenden, Baden-Württemberg, Alexander Wollmann, owner of the paint shop of the same name in Losheim am See, as well as Andreas Lau in his K&L business Bosch Service Lau in Schönberg, Mecklenburg. The practitioners' verdict is unanimous: 

Even in the first tests, users noticed a significantly better finish on the paint surface and a material saving of around fifteen percent, says Max Heidenwag.

“We were immediately impressed by the positive effects that ionized air has on the painting of plastic parts,” says Alexander Wollmann.

Andreas Lau reports 30 percent less material consumption and at the same time visibly improved surface quality. Schaden.News writes: "In Schönberg, the airmatic atomization optimization has been supplying all three paint booths in the company for a year now and, in Andreas Lau's opinion, it is now indispensable."

You can find the complete Schaden.News report in our media overview or directly here.