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Entrepreneurs report: This is how well the airmatic devices work

Ahmet Yardimci and Corrado Pulino present their airmatic systems from ensutec.

It couldn't be more authentic and convincing: In the new "Lackiererblatt" (May 2023 issue), two entrepreneurs report on their experiences with airmatic atomization optimization - devices from ensutec Products GmbH in Langenenslingen. There is actually nothing to add to the statements:

“I didn’t have to spend a long time measuring or calculating, but could see with the naked eye that the paint lays more evenly on the surfaces and that I have material left over after the painting process.” This sentence Corrado Pulino who runs the award-winning specialist company Pulino GmbH in Erwitte.

He has been using the airmatic atomization optimization since 2021 and does not regret the purchase: "In addition to the paint savings, the intervals for booth cleaning could also be extended, and overall the painting process has become significantly cleaner and more efficient," the "Lackierblatt" quotes Pulino employees as saying.

A PDF of the two-page article in the current “Lackiererblatt” can be found here.

Similar experiences are also known Ahmet Yardimci to report, who has set up his own business with his company "Karosserie und Lack Yardimci" in Weingarten. The trained body builder has made a name for himself with artistic paintwork on old vehicles and knows: "Whether professionally or in art - consistent process conditions during painting are an important prerequisite for optimal surface quality." The airmatic atomization optimization ensures this:

"The constant temperature and charge neutrality of the compressed air ensure that there are no color differences and significantly fewer dust inclusions even after multiple painting processes," says the entrepreneur. And he is pleased: He was impressed by the "efficient use of material, compressed air and energy, but also the potential savings due to less effort in the finishing work."