November 9th is a special day. And: it is my day!
Of course I say this with a little wink, but I am a little serious:
Today is Inventors' Day. And so it is also my day, because I have made an invention. You know it: the airmatic atomization optimization - more on that in a moment. First of all, a few words about Inventors' Day:
I think it's good and right that they are remembered. Inventors have changed the world and are still doing so today. They create something that has never existed before. Usually there is a connection with something that is already known, but changes are made to it so that the effect is improved both quantitatively and qualitatively.
And so there are many great inventions in our history, such as the invention of the printing press around 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg.
Philipp Reis In 1861, he presented a device that could transmit speech over long distances using electric current – he called it the “telephone”.
And Nikola Tesla invented alternating current technology, radio and remote control. His aim was free energy - accessible to everyone. He is considered an unrecognized genius and is often referred to today as the "greatest inventor of all time".
The list goes on and on. Sometimes inventors are people who change the world. But often they are forgotten, even if they created things that are part of our everyday lives.
It has long been increasingly difficult to invent something truly innovative and thereby create a real sensation. This is especially true as every inventor has to overcome a second hurdle: he has to manage himself and his innovation skillfully. If an invention can be used commercially, he should have it protected by a patent or utility model. This is somewhat complicated and often quite expensive. But this is the only way to protect an invention from imitators and idea theft.
That's exactly how it went for me: My field is painting technology. I thought that there must be ways to optimize consumption, time and quality. I tinkered with it for years - then I found the solution:
The airmatic atomization optimization – this technology is now used in more than a thousand companies in Germany alone to save material and energy and ensure faster throughput times. The fact that the painting result is noticeably improved at the same time is another important effect.

from China.

from America.

from Mexico.

from Germany.
Companies keep trying to copy my invention. They don't succeed. My airmatic technology is unique. And: I have – fortunately! – protected it with patents worldwide.
So I am happy about today's Inventors' Day. It should remind us of forgotten inventors as well as great inventors who have improved our lives.
Above all, this day should give courage to have your own ideas and to make changes and call for cooperation in our future.
If it inspires us to do so, it is a really good day!