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1. The consulting company

In focus: people, the environment and plant technology

In 2001, Thomas Mayer started his own consulting business to optimize painting systems. Since then he has been working with ensutec Engineering active throughout Europe in the field of environmental and surface technology.

Based on decades of experience in the management and planning of painting systems and in environmental and process engineering – with the best references – ensutec Engineering today offers solutions for individually applicable and environmentally friendly painting system technology.

ensutec Engineering plans your painting system, assesses your environmental management for potential improvements and legal certainty and optimizes your processes. Tailor-made solutions in terms of quality, cost-effectiveness, material and energy efficiency guarantee the best results. From planning to commissioning of individual system components or complete painting systems as well as the development of innovative and efficient solutions, ensutec engineering offers comprehensive know-how. And all of this within the framework of holistic and sustainable process management.


If you want to know more about ensutec Engineering:

Please feel free to contact us:

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Mayer
Keltenstraße 13
D-88499 Altheim
Phone: +49 (0)7371 909 123