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Leasing - Hire purchase

Together with its partner Albis Leasing, ensutec Products offers you various financing options. The decision between leasing and hire purchase is up to you. What do both alternatives have in common? The monthly installment pays for itself - you also save money.
following example calculation for equipping a paint booth in a normal K&L company, this makes it clear:
- Monthly leasing rate (depending on the level of equipment) from 214 euros
- Average paint consumption per year: 40,000 euros
- Calculation of the annual paint savings with 15 percent: 40,000 Euro x 0.15= 6,000 euros
- This results in a monthly paint saving of: 6,000 Euro / 12 = 500 euros/month
This means that the leasing rate pays for itself through the paint savings achieved – which were set conservatively in the example – and you save an additional 286 euros every month.
Further advantages of using airmatic, such as shorter drying times and thus increased paint booth capacity or significantly less finishing effort thanks to the reduction of dust inclusions and a higher surface quality, are not taken into account in the example calculation and lead to an even better result.
All other airmatic variants can also be leased or purchased through a hire purchase agreement. Whether manual application or automatic painting, the calculation almost always works out.
We would be happy to provide you with an individual offer and a sample calculation for your application.
What are you waiting for? Request your leasing or hire purchase offer now and save money!